Author: Chris
The “2.0” label has officially jumped the shark
In a repeat of the late 90’s Internet mania, when the ‘i’ prefix could be slapped on to anything and magically it became an Internet property, the ‘2.0’ prefix has similarly lost all meaning. I know I am not the first one to say this, but it became true for me this morning when I…
Virtual manufacturing in second life
John sent me the link to this video on Salon Ms .45 dvdrip perfect stranger divx online . While it’s a bit of an ‘art project’, the team that is working on this is doing a little bit of everything that I’ve been talking about here for the last year: Virtual worlds as a foundation…
User generated products
I snuck in on another NewsGang live today and got to have a little chat with Dave Winer (inventor of a few things you all use every day). I asked him about some of the posts he put out in the first half of last year at the end of 2006 outlining the perfect podcast…
Which engineering discipline is most important
Finally a flash game will let the world figure it out for themselves (hint: I am a mechanical engineer…by degree anyway). Engineering Game – Today’s Time Waster – Download Squad Scary Movie 3 movie The Limping Man
My 2 cents on the newsgang – what Steve should do next
.!. I know, I know, I happen to sneak in to one show and now I’m the expert. The truth is I do have a vested interest in the Gang continuing it’s weekly discussions in that I feel like am sitting at the middle of at least one of the junctions that makes the gang…
NPR – Second Life Haters?
From Fleep’s blog: “The people in Second Life aren’t worth reaching” – Fleep’s Deep Thoughts Freaky Friday movie full While I am not going to come to the aid of Linden Labs and Second Life specifically, I do think it would be hard to justify that statement in general about virtual worlds. Like it or…
My 5 minutes of fame
Well, I guess my 5 minutes has come and gone ;-). I have been paying extra attention to twitter this week – really trying to figure out if its useful or just another distraction. Popular opinion seems to be that you have to follow a significant number of people (>100) to approach usefulness, so I…
If SL = AOL, then ?? = the Net
One other interesting thought from the FIR interview with Erica Driver was an off hand comment she made about SL being kind of like AOL in that it’s a walled garden. This has been one of my biggest problems with using SL as a real business tool: it’s the most disconnected tool I use on…
Forrester getting serious about second life
Forrester has been spitting out a number of reports in the last 6 months on the opportunities and pitfalls of doing business in virtual worlds like Second Life. The latest by Erica Driver is called “Getting Real Work done in Virtual Worlds” and is available here for Forrester subscribers. I took a listen to an…