Author: Chris

  • If I ever…

    …get another motorcycle this will be the one: Ducati 1098 R: 180 horsepower, 364 pounds, traction control… <i>il più bello</i> – Autoblog Dorothy Mills release download heaven project the dvd

  • More ways to visualize the future

    I continue to marvel at the various ways people are coming up to display very complicated information simply, especially when it comes to throwing a lasso around the complex swirl of micro-trends that seem to rise and fall almost daily.  My latest find comes via Mass Customization & Innovation news: Trends in the Living Networks…

  • Social media slowly making it’s way into corporate America

    (anti-disclosure: although I have been blogging about a lot of Forrester research lately, I have no financial relationship with them.  The company I work for is a subscriber, so I get access to their research…maybe if I get them enough traffic, they’ll give us a discount ;-)) I posted earlier about some Forrester research on…

  • My contributions to a Hitchhiker’s guide to Twitter

    I have had an entry in my “to blog” list for the past couple weeks to get out an update on my experiences on Twitter and to provide a bit of a user guide for a few of the people I know that read things here from time to time and that have recently signed…

  • Is it all about privacy or DRM? It’s all a matter of perspective.

    .!. Well Steve’s experiment to use listener participation in the NewsGang daily has had it’s intended effect on me: I am more hooked now than I was before.  I saw the regular ‘all-star’ gang come out last night while I was at dinner with the family and as soon as I got home, I fired…

  • I won’t say which of these I read

    An interesting exercise in  data mining the Facebook (I’m sure they did it all manually to not become another Scoble). Booksthatmakeyoudumb other boleyn girl the divx download There are probably lots of possibilities for using Facebook data like this and there probably just as many reasons they will never be able to allow it.

  • Calling all demo jocks

    It’s written specifically for people doing demos at DEMO, but the tips here are good for anyone giving and software demo: Presenting at DEMO: 12 Do’s. 5 Don’ts. « FoundRead I spent the first 3 years of my ‘career’ out of school as a demo jock, first for boundary element acoustic prediction software and then…

  • Hugh’s 10 Q&A with Seth on Meatball Sundaes

    I got a copy of Seth’s new book from my friends at SAP right after the holiday and read it over the course of 2 days when I was in Orlando for our sales conference.  The core idea that you have to decide what you are (a meatball or a sundae) and then be sure…

  • My kid started her blog tonight

    And to think I didn’t even get my first computer (and Commodore 128) until I was 12. She wants to post her art there, so check it out if you’re tired of the crap I do here.