Author: Chris
Past performance may not be an indication of…
Future results. Yes, it’s something we’ve all read on our (dwindling) finacial statements. The firms we trust our savings to put that out there as a big disclaimer to get them out of any trouble for showing, 1, 3 and 5 year averages of return. They show you past performance to make you feel good…
I love living in the country
Overheard while waiting in line this weekend at the local auto parts store: Customer looking for a part: “you have anything that looks like this?” (shows him a small clip) Clerk: “let me look” (goes in back for a few minutes) Clerk: “this doesn’t look the same, but it says on the label it’s the…
Everything I need to know about business I learned on the farm #2: Want to learn project management? Plant a garden.
It’s about a week later than I had planned, but as of today, my garden is in. Overall that’s pretty good since I started planning back in January. We’ve been trying our hand at vegetable gardening since before we moved to the farm, but it really went to a new level when we moved out…
Moving most of my PLM content over to Siemens PLM Blog
Probably not news for any regular readers in the last few months, but I am going to finalize the split of my personality and from here on out put of all of my PLM related content on my company blog. Here’s my most recent entry. I’ll still share things out of broad interest on my…
Next generation media…what is that?
Check out this video project one of my friends is working on for his degree in ‘net generation media” (sounds cool eh?):
Making it up as we go along
The shell game continues. While our president continues on the campaign trail last night on Jay Leno (someone should really tell him that he won. Or is he starting already for the 2012 election?), the house got themselves busy enacting the highest tax rate on the smallest group of people known to man. The story…
Welcome to the rest of your life
So I’ve been struggling with this post for a while. I think a few people that I work with actually do read my blog now and again and I don’t want them to read this post and take it as free license to slack. So, I thought I would start with this disclaimer: if you’re…
Puppy update #3
Well, despite my best efforts we are still sitting at home with 9 puppies. I am beginning to doubt my effectiveness as a marketer. I guess I will have to resort to late night TV infomercials next. In the mean time, take a look at this vid, shot last night: Please spread the word and…
Planning for the spring garden
I put in my seed order over the weekend and soon a box will show up with all sorts of wonderful things. I am trying a few new things this year. For one, I am going to try to start a few things in cold frames before I plant them in the ground. That way…