Author: Chris
How to get there
I realized yesterday that I committed one of the sins that I get so angry at the Libertarian / Tea Party group for: I railed on the problem and didn’t propose any solutions. So, if you read my post yesterday and were able to consider what I wrote without having a negative, gut reaction then…
So close, but yet so far
Some have told me that my politics are complicated. I think that’s all a matter of perspective. To me they are pretty simple: don’t hit, don’t steal – and don’t let others do it in your name. Follow those two “rules” and we’ll get along just fine. These aren’t positions I came up with all…
The rest of the story
I was listening to the Peter Schiff show last week. Mr Schiff was out for some reason and he had Stefan Molyneux filling in. I was just going to link to the podcast of the show, and tell you to go listen, but I can’t find it anywhere (without registration anyway) so I will…
I come from a long line of stupendous bad asses
“Like every other creature on the face of the earth, Godfrey was, by birthright, a stupendous badass, albeit in the somewhat narrow technical sense that he could trace his ancestry back up a long line of slightly less highly evolved stupendous badasses to that first self-replicating gizmo—which, given the number and variety of its descendants,…
Facebook is mainstream
Media that is. And not in a good way. In the “we control the channel and use it for our benefit” way. Veritasium did a great job of explaining what they are doing and why it’s bad in this video: Although some are distracted by the wrapper that Facebook puts around our content, there is…
All alone
There was a great write up on the FBI report on mass shootings over on Gun Nuts media. Its worth a read, but here are a few of the better quotes: The FBI report is acknowledging a simple, inescapable truth: You are on your own. We don’t like being on our own. We don’t like the thought…
Divide et impera
I just knew my High School latin would come in handy one day!* The title of this post is famously attributed to Julius Caesar, but the concept (in different words) goes back to ancient Greece. Many believe that Caesar was referring to his enemies on the battlefield, when in fact he was talking about those…
The only thing stopping you is "wanna"
We had a snow day on Saturday. No, school wasn’t going to be in and was cancelled. It just snowed through the day and we didn’t need to go anywhere so we didn’t. In between driveway plowing sessions I ended up getting sucked in to a few projects that had been on my “someday –…
Avoiding confirmation bias
As many have already observed, these days there is absolutely no reason to be ignorant about any subject that interests you. Well at least not a good reason. I won’t bore you with all the stats and figures about how often human knowledge doubles, about how many searches there are each second, or about how…