Author: Chris
The joys of coaching
Yes, that’s right, I am coaching soccer again. This time it’s my son’s 4-5 year division in the YMCA league. We’ve had a couple practices and the second couldn’t have been more different than the first. There are a total of 10 kids on our team, 8 boys and 2 girls. There were only 6…
Selling my house
For the few people that actually stop by here, I thought I would let you know that my house is up for sale. We just signed a contract on a new house in Crittenden, which is a little further out in the boonies, but it is exactly what we have been looking for for the…
Migrating my old blog
I’m in the process of moving my old blog based on a Plone plug-in called COREBlog to the new one I just set-up on WordPress. I’ve outlined the reasons for my changes in previous posts, but the migration is turning out to be a real pain. I’m really starting to question the value of moving…
Another image test
OK, the last one didn’t work so well, so I’m trying again. This time I’ll check the thumbnail button and see if that helps. Also, trying to edit the HTML of the image to see I can change the location.
Test of w.bloggar
Another reason I wanted to move to WordPress from Coreblog = the availability of offline blogging tools like w.bloggar. This is just a quick test to make sure it works with my setup. I often have things I want to blog about when I am offline, or can’t get to my server, so if this…
Test of quick blogging link tool
iZ is from Zizzle – Engadget – A quick test of the quick link blogging tool in WordPress…this could be very nice!
Word Press Test Post
OK, trying out some new blogging software here. Honestly, I’ve been a bit trapped by CoreBlog. It was nice because of it’s integration with Zope, but it was pretty hard to keep up to dat and there didn’t seem to be a very large community out there. I gave it one good last try with…
Change of scenery
Well, if you’re just coming to my homepage, you may not notice much difference, but for the few long time users, you will notice right away that I’ve changed the order of things a bit around here. I finally decided to take to plunge and switch my blog site to be the main page and…
Vacation – Day 3: Hello Mickey!
We woke up early to make sure we made it to the Magic Kingdom by the opening. We ate breakfast at the condo…some cereal we had picked up the night before at the nearby Publix. Both the kids had Cocoa Puffs, a vacation indulgence. We drove the 10 minutes to Magic Kingdom and parked in…