Social vacation suggestions – part 2

Last year I used this blog to get a lot of great suggestions about the trip we planned to Europe last summer.  It worked great and we were able to do alot of things we wouldn't have known about if it weren't for your ideas.  So, I though I'd try it again, only this time with a twist:  where should we go?

My original thought was to head out west for a week or two and see the grand canyon, yosemite and the like.  Then Hawaii came into the mix.  Recently we've been thinking about Puerto Rico or the Caymans.  So it's really up in the air.  Looking to stay reasonably close to home (next year the plan is to take the kids through Asia, so want a easier vacation this year) but other than that open to any and all suggestions.  Only other constraint is that is has to be nice in the mid to late July time frame…really the only time we can go.  So…where are you sending us?






One response to “Social vacation suggestions – part 2”

  1. April Avatar

    – The Grand Canyon is overrated. 😉 If you feel like hiking your butts off, try Bryce Canyon and Zion Nat'l Park (close to each other in Utah). See if you can survive the Fairyland Loop in Bryce–it's brutal.
    – I have a sister who lives on the Big Island in Hawaii. If you go, let me know and I'll see if she can set you up with a good deal on a charter boat for deep sea fishing.
    – Best time to see Yosemite would be in the spring–June at the latest, if you need to wait for Summer vacation time–when the snow is still melting and the waterfalls are really going. The hottest time of the year in that area is usually around the 4th of July (Jeff and I used to live just north of Yosemite)
    – Great place to go to beat the summer heat is Mount Hood and the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. The top of the mountain, above Timberline Lodge, is pretty much open for skiing year-round. There are also other interesting places to see around Central Oregon (around Bend, John Day, and Prineville). If you're interested, I can give details.

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