Planning for the spring garden

I put in my seed order over the weekend and soon a box will show up with all sorts of wonderful things. I am trying a few new things this year. For one, I am going to try to start a few things in cold frames before I plant them in the ground. That way I should get them off to a good start before I plant them in the ground and expose them to the elements. I’m also expanding the repertoire a bit as well: this year I’m trying potatoes (sweet potatoes worked great last year, so what the heck), a mix of different salad lettuces, mustard and collard greens, a bunch of different heirloom tomatoes. The big new one is asparagus. We love it, so I thought, why not try to grow some of it.
Most things I can’t plant around here until Mid-April, but I think I will be starting things in the cold frame in just a few weeks. The last thing I need to figure out if I am going to plant in the traditional rows, or break the garden up into beds (a la square foot gardening). Can’t wait for that first bean…and even more for that first tomato!






2 responses to “Planning for the spring garden”

  1. Dora Smith Avatar

    We’re doing a garden this year too. It’s been a few years so we’ll see how it goes. Lettuce, herbs, carrots, tomatoes, beets, zucchini. We may also do some asparagus – but i’ve heard it takes about 3 years to really come in. Happy gardening. Post some tips and harvest pictures!

  2. Chris Avatar

    I bought 2 year old crowns for the asparagus, so we’ll see what we can get out of it this year. Although I’ve heard if we just let it sit this year we’ll really get a lot next, so we may just wait.
    Will def get some pictures up. Right now it’s pretty boring since its just an empty plot…covered with horse manure 😉

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