
For some reason we seem to be accumulating dogs lately.  No, we’re not buying them, they are just showing up.  It started with the Black and Tan coon dog on the left.  We now know he officially belongs to one of our neighbors down the street, but he spends a good 1/3rd of his time at our place.  Then about a month ago, the one of the right showed up.  My daughter has even named her (Sheila) and she seems to have no home except ours (hence the bed…sigh).  No since Sheila is a girl dog, she has had no shortage of suitors from around the neighborhood, which have included what has got to be one of the oldest dogs in the neighborhood (if not the county) and a corgi whose legs were so short he can fit under her and not touch.  Ah, the country life.






2 responses to “Dogs”

  1. Susan Cinadr Avatar

    OMG, get the girl a real bed! If I find a new dog bed for my girls, I would be happy to give you the old one so Sheila can rest comfortably at your house.

  2. Lisa Avatar

    If any more come around, tell John he needs to take it. Make sure it’s small and housebroken though 🙂

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