Getting back into the swing of things


Back from a week’s vacation and I’m realizing thatmy posting has slowed here to a trickle.  A quick update on a few things that have been keeping me busy:

  • Well the obvious one is vacation last week.  Had a great time in Waves, NC in the outer banks.  The rental house we had reserved was struck by ligntning a few days before we checked in, so the hot tub was out for the duration of our stay and the solar pool heater was out for the first few days.  But other than that, the house was great and only a few feet from the beach access.  The dunes are a lot higher in the south and there was no wooden walk over, so there was a little excercise every morning to get to the beach.  Did all the normal things while there – went to the beach every day, ate out at restaraunts every night and consumed a fair amount of adult beverages.  Also did some out of the ordinary things: went horse back riding on the beach, went shooting sporting clays and went to the annual open house at the Dare County Naval Bombing range (will get some pics and vids of that up soon).
  • On the work front, the marketing automation system we just bought is keeping me pretty busy.  We’re in the middle of implementation right now and will soon be in to pilots.  Still not sure how all of this will fit together, but it is interesting to see what state of the art actually looks like for marketing – and a little scary to see how much you CAN be tracked online.  A new alliance partner and rapidly increasing channel program are taking up whatever spare cycles I have after spending all day on marketing automation.  Oh yeah, and then there is the social media stuff that I got started and continues to gain interest.  All that combined with a hefty travel schedule have slanted the work / life balance definitely toward the work side.
  • On the home front, you may have seen the post I did on the newest addition to the herd, Sheriff.  He and Levi are not getting along very well (Levi kicked down a fence to get to Sheriff…and not in a friendly way) so we are having to work with them.  Evidently either my wife or I have to become the ‘lead mare’, whose role is to get the rest of the horses in the heard in line.  It’s slow work, but interesting in learning how horses actually think and act.  I also finally pulled the trigger on a new (to me) trailer.  It’s a 4 horse Sundowner slant with a finished dressing room / sleeping quarters.  It’s a 1996 model (and all steel) but it’s in great shape.  Hopefully we’ll get to use it in the next few weeks to do an overnight trail ride somewhere.
  • On the tech front, not much has been happening.  I think I am ready to hackgrade my first get iPhone to the 2.0 firmware so I can get exchange syncing setup.  I also dropped my HP 2133 back from Vista to XP SP3 and am much happier with the performance overall.  So that leaves only my HP TC4400 tablet on Vista, which will probably stay there since I do like the tablet features added to Vista.  I am also looking at moving from Foldershare to Live Mesh for my multiple machine syncing solution – not sure if it will handle my 30 GB documents folder.
  • Varsity Blues divx
    I do notice that I blog / tweet a bit more while I am on the road so with the travel schedule, the updates should be a little more regular here over the next few weeks.






    2 responses to “Getting back into the swing of things”

    1. Paul Cahill Avatar

      I feel the same way about Vista. I’ve got two retail copies of Ultimate edition ; one currently installed on my old PC and I bought the other for the PC I just built (quad core intel, dual 800Gts, 4GB RAM). I decided to go with XP 64bit instead of Vista. Just wasn’t impressed enough with Vista after using it for over a year.

    2. Chris Avatar

      Agree completely. XP works and Vista is pretty but troublesome. Kind of like the difference between the girls you want to date and the ones you want to marry ;-).

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