What’s the big deal?


about Friendfeed? I have been doing something similar in Yahoo Pipes for about 6 months.
Poll: Are You Using FriendFeed? – ReadWriteWeb

Maybe the Pipes approach is too hard for non-geeks?
UPDATE: I get it now.  It’s much easier to setup and use than what I was doing with pipes and it has a social component so I can find other people to follow.  Wish I could import my twitter contacts.  That’s the group I would really want to follow.  If anyone is struggling with too many services, I would suggest they give this a try.  It does alot of what I had hoped facebook would do, but is way more open (and RSS feed for all my friends activities, wonderful idea).  It may seem like one more service, but it does lasso alot of the things going on out there into one place.






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