My newest gadget

I picked up a new gadget a few weeks ago and I haven’t had time to post about it, but I have to say it is a must buy for anyone looking for the best BT headset ever.  It’s the Jawbone

boy a movie download .  I’ve used it in crowded lobbies ful of people, airport gates, loud cars and never had one complaint that people on the other end couldn’t hear me or asking me to take my headset off.  I did take the time when I got it to try all the different ear pieces and ear loops, and I’m glad that I did.  It fits great (it does seem to fit better over time – maybe it’s like a pair of shoes?) and with the auto volume leveling, I can set the volume level once for a call and know that I will hear everything.  What’s better than that – being heard and being able to hear.
The Gillmor gang that I recorded a few weeks ago was one of my first uses of it, so if you want to hear what it sounds like on the receiving end, take a listen.  If you need a new BT headset, I can’t recommend this one highly enough.






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