I took my first trip since the dreaded return flight from N.Y.C. out of JFK in June this week. I had to fly down to Plano for a few meetings on Tuesday and stayed over night for a few more on Wednesday. I flew back last night and got a pleasant surprise in the form of a “first class” seat on a regioanl jet. One of Delta’s partners, Skywest out of SLC, has just taken delivery of some new Canadair CJ-900 and they have a first class section. I got seat 1C and although to look at the seats you would think it would only be a small improvement, it was in fact one of the best flights I have taken on Delta in a long time. Perhaps some of that had to do with expectations. Since I knew I was going to be on a CRJ, I had expected to be crammed in to a seat designed for an 8 year old. Instead when I got a seat that a normal hum can sit in and didn’t have anything shoved against my knees it was great.
Here’s to hoping that if Delta has to continue to pull regular size jets from main routes that at least they get replaced with CRJ-900s…and that I maintain Platinum Medallion status so I can get upgraded.
Delta update
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