Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • ADSK wants to compete…on the wrong things

    .!. A story over on CAD Inside caught my attention not because of the lawsuit that Autodesk is filing against the ODA, but rather because of the strategy that drove Autodesk to make the decision.  As Roopinder states: Autodesk has long stated that the DWG format was part of their “intellectual property” and so must…

  • “Working” last week

    We had our global team meeting last week in Plano. It was a really good meeting overall. We all put in long hours over the course of the few says we spend together twice a year, so at night we usually have some activities that will let us blow off a little steam. Here you…

  • I'm interested in Microsoft too

    Hugh, I’m interested in Microsoft too, but for a few different reasons.  As a large Microsoft partner I am getting ring side seat to a lot of the changes that are going on there and I think it is going to be a classic business reinvention story when it unfolds.  Whether it’s an example of…

  • Time to push out of the nest

    In earlier posts I have written about an idea I have that is one of those that just “sticks with you”.  I think I have been successful in convincing my company to go for it and now I need to find some smart people to help me make it real.  So now its time to…

  • Travel fun

    .!. I am writing this while sitting in the Crown Room at the DFW airport terminal E (and, yes my Verizon EVDO works fine here).  I am sitting in the exact same place I was last night at about the same time trying to get on the same flight as I was at this time…

  • Workday – Pureplay Saas comes to ERP

    How long will it be before there is a serious PLM Saas player (sorry Arena ;-))? The Ponderings of Woodrow: Workday: OK, you’ve had your day, now get back to work

  • 3DMojo disses "express" products from PLM companies

    It seems that 3DMojo doesn’t have much nice to say about mid-market focused products from enterprise PLM players: Designing software for small and medium businesses is not simply a matter or repackaging or re-licensing existing enterprise software. It’s a process that requires clean-sheet design, something you clearly aren’t going to get with CATIA Express. While…

  • A brief summariztion of the Cluetrain from the J Train

    John Dodds does a nice post on the realities of marketing in the Web2 world.  A nice short summization of the already short cluetrain manifesto, which I still read at least once a year.  “Markets are conversations” still changes the way I look at marketing every day. Make Marketing History: The J Train (A Marketing…

  • Office RTM is up on MSDN

    Just was poking around there for a few small things and noticed that the images for the RTM version of Office 2007 are up on MSDN for all of you with subscriptions. At least all of you that speak English, German or Japanese as of this post. I’ve been running B2TR with little problem, but…