Random thoughts, musings and things I think are interesting…

  • Liking the N800 more and more

    I just updated my N800 with the new Mozilla browser and it’s great. I can get the full version of Google reader (I was having to use the mobile version), Twitter, YouTube, Google Maps (with side view) and even Google Docs. Why did I want one of those UMPCs again? Gorillas in the Mist: The…

  • Trying out a bunch of new tech

    So it’s not like I don’t have anything better to do but today I signed up for both Facebook and Twitter.  Not sure what I’m going to do with either yet, but another one in the long list of experiments.  So far, I really like the simplicity and mobility of Twitter, but it is obviously…

  • iPhone = Device (not Platform)

    I am in the middle of deciding my next mobile device and like everyone else in a similar situation am closely looking at the Apple iPhone.  The one catch to the iPhone is that the only way for a 3rd party to get an application on it is through the web browser.  As I look…

  • Second Life update

    It’s been about 3 months since we launched our presence in Second Life. Since our launch at UGS Innovation Connection alot has happened, both in RL and SL. Our acquisition by Siemens was closed and we have updated our island identity to reflect our new corporate situation. The number of visitors is staying fairly steady…

  • Night time visitor

    After we came back from dinner last night there was a visitor waiting for us last night: a gray fox. It was very tame (a little too tame actually) and we got really close to it. We fed it some scraps and it sat and waited very patiently for more. Once it realised it wasn’t…

  • Second day of vacation

    .!. Well, we got to the outerbanks on Sunday earlier than we evr have before. They let us get into the house about 30 minutes early, so by the time the rest of the family showed up, we were already unpacked and so we helped them get everything unloaded. Yesterday was spent at the beach…

  • Test of new blogging tool

    Just read about a cool tool over on JK on the run called wordpy Light in the Piazza download . I’m creating this post from it now. I’m liking this n800 more every day

  • More Rube

    Not sure why, but I keep stumbling across these cool Rube Goldberg videos.  This one is a little simpler, but still mesmerizing. MAKE: Blog: Sticks and Stones Version 2

  • Rube Goldberg to the nth power

    .!. Call me a geek, but I watched this three times and was mesmerized each time through.  Who has this much time to waste to build something? Baynham & Tyers Innovation Business Consultants, Product Design, Concept Creation, Problem Solving for Small, Medium and Large businesses, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire