Author: Chris

  • Memberships

    I’m thinking about dropping some cash on a few memberships in the new year.  Nope, not gym memberships – I have enough in my basement and at my Krav class to keep me close enough to something resembling in shape.  Instead, I am thinking about memberships to Platform53 and/or The Manufactory. I heard about Platform53…

  • Facebook – I divorce thee, I divorce thee, I divorce thee

    I’ve on the 29th day of my self imposed separation from Facebook and I think I’m about ready to call it permanent.  What I suspected has been proven: it was subtracting more than it was adding.  I had worried that I would loose touch, both with “friends” and with “the news”.  While there are some…

  • Podcasts are a gateway drug

    The gateway drug theory has reared its ugly head.  For me, the gateway drug of podcasts has lead to the much more serious (and time consuming) drug of reading.  I’ve always considered myself a “reader”, but in the past few months I’ve gone into overdrive.  My amazon wish list has over 800 items on it…

  • Going dark – part 2

    It seems the topic for this series of posts just keeps expanding – I guess I added too much yeast ;-).  What started as a single post had to be broken up into what I thought would need to be four to let me get the first one out, and now I’ve been stewing on this…

  • New target for the local IPDA match: Tueller-style mover

    As some of you may know, I helped to get a local IDPA match going at the range just a few miles from my house a couple of years ago.  About a year ago, I became match director and since then I try to bring in a new “special” target” once every 3-4 months.  I…

  • Why I no longer participate in the campaign for a longer leash

    I accidentally started a Facebeef earlier today by sharing something that I thought made a few good points about some of the reasons to not vote tomorrow (or really ever).  I know this isn’t a popular view, especially the day before an election and since I have friends and colleagues that are running for various…

  • Going dark – part 1

    Since I started working from home, I have a little less time to listen to podcasts. DOn’t get me wrong, I am way happier saving a 90 minute (both ways) commute every day – but I do listen less than I used to. The one change to that is when I have to drive to…

  • Another run at 3 gun

    I went back for another beating this weekend at the BGSL 3 Gun match, and didn’t come away quite as scarred as last time, when I finished dead last.  This time I was 2nd in my squad, 5th in my division out of 15 and 32nd overall out of 56.  Still not where I want to…

  • Here's to hoping that the third time really is the charm.

    Next weekend is homecoming at my college alma mater and also my graduating class’ 20th reunion. Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it (life is full choices).  I will miss hanging out at the frat house, riding the firetruck and pretending I’m 20 something again (even though I was teen something most of my time…