Author: Chris
Library of Babel
Hadn’t heard of this before, but it fits in nicely with some of the concepts I am trying to wrap my head around in Godel, Escher and Bach (one of the books I am reading right now – although it has been on “pause” for a few weeks), specifically that meaning emerges from what Hofstadter…
Meaning is important. Always has been. Always will be.
I listened to the Tim Ferriss interview of Matt Mullenweg on my way up and back to Detroit last week. I wasn’t a big 4 hour work week fan when it first came out, but I have to say his podcast has convinced me to add it to my Amazon wish list (it’s currently 838…
Turned a corner
Not sure what corner, what cross streets or even what city, but a corner was turned nonetheless. My retirement savings balance is now higher than the only debt I carry, our mortgage. The weird thing is, that matters way less to me than I thought it would.
10 great short stories
I hadn’t read any of when I saw this, but have since read through The Last Question and We Can Get Them For You Wholesale. They were both great reads so sharing the whole list from Johnny Lists. 1. The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell — The story of a big game hunter finding himself stranded on an…
Great quotes from Neil Gaiman
Listened to a Tim Ferriss podcast on the ride up to Detroit this week where he interviewed Amanda (F*ing) Plamer who just so happens to be married to Neil Gaiman, author of this and some other great quotes: “I’ve been making a list of the things they don’t teach you at school. They don’t teach…
Wisdom from the land of ice and snow
The few readers I have may have noticed that I have fallen off the blogging wagon again. My goal to post every day turned into every week and now I’m back to having no goal. There are two underlying reasons for this “failure.” This: And this: The first is a picture of a bust of…
Tick, tock: A mini review of "A Clockwork Universe"
I had the pleasure of international air travel this past week, so among other things that meant lots of time for reading. The selection for this past trip was “A Clockwork Universe” by Edward Dolnick. The book includes a number of vert interesting anecdotes, which all add up to a number of different points. The…
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle
Vinyl memories
In 1985, at the age of 12, I left the US for the first time and travelled with my family to Germany and Austria. I was a member of the Cincinnati BoyChoir (yes, 2nd soprano and everything…) and we were “competing” against the still world famous Vienna Boys Choir on their home turf. In the…