Author: Chris
Serenity prayer stoic style
A thought for the day: Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is good or evil. But for my part I have long perceived the nature of good and its nobility, the…
Go Pro from today's local IDPA match
I should have been weeding and putting in mulch today…but instead I did this: It was my first time shooting in the new compact carry pistol (CCP) division. Overall I was happy with how I performed and was glad to get the trigger time on my baby Glock with shorts and t-shirt weather fast approaching.
Police body cameras…a real solution?
Your tax money at work: The Obama administration is spending $20 million on police body cameras, amid rising tension over police violence.The announcement from the Justice Department on Friday would create a new pilot program to equip police in dozens of cities with the devices, as the first step in a $75 million three-year effort…
Krav hotel
I’ve stayed in lots of hotels and I can’t not reccomend this one more 😉
Immoral Means != Moral Ends
My daughter had to write a paper on Shakespeare’s play Julius Casear which focused on the impossibility of reaching moral ends through immoral means. The term moral as its used here is not referring to some sort of religious dogma, but rather the classic greek concept of ἀρετή (areté): that which enriches life. There are so many…
30 sec book review: The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
I recently received a copy of The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg as a birthday gift from my parents (no they don’t think I have terrible habits – it was on my Amazon wish list). I finished it this morning and recommend it if you are looking for something to help you understand the…
Synthesis of a self destructing premise
My part time love affair with Half Price Books continues, although my collection of Tsundoku books may be growing beyond my comfort level. Perhaps a reading sabbatical is in order? I just finished The Death of Discourse, the was a chance discovery from my last trip. It was an interesting read but it did ask far more questions…
Engineering and small circles
In a classic example of podcast virality (or is it network effect?), I added the Tim Ferriss podcast to my pod catcher a few months back based on a recommendation on another podcast I listen to. I have really enjoyed the shows I have listened to (especially the conversation with Matt Mullenweg). The most recent episode mostly…
The great experiment
The great experiment in home schooling home educating autodidaction is coming to and end. Qualitatively, I think it has been a success. We more or less fell into the “unschooling” approach the year went on and it has paid dividends in the form of greater personal responsibility and renewed curiosity that is at the root…