Author: Chris

  • 90 second book review: The Market for Liberty

    I finished reading The Market for Liberty, by Morris and Linda Tannehill a few days ago on my Kindle (available as a free epub and PDF at the previous link).  This was another one of the suggestions I took away from a conversation or session at Porcfest.  Overall it was a quick and easy read…

  • Random pic outside a grocery store in Germany

  • Reddit proves the stoics right

    This post on Reddit is exactly why the stoic practice of recognizing your own mortality is so important. You don’t need to be dying (even though we all are) to live with this perspective.

  • Strange loop quote from Bacon

    We cannot command Nature except by obeying her. – Francis Bacon I like the paradox in this quote. Especially because it’s true.

  • Quick job for a local designer

    I’m working on a small project and need to find a local designer to work with me to create a model that can be 3d printed. Know anyone? Interested?  It’s a paying gig and shouldn’t take more than an hour or two.

  • I am a "needy" home educating dad

    After a lot of discussion, reflection and even amidst continuing doubts, we (Mason, DeAnna and I) have made the decision to give home education a go again for this next year, which would be his Freshman year in traditional high school.  When we decided to try home education for the first time last year, we…

  • Security dominoes

    Getting off my ass and finally getting email encryption setup seems to have set off the security bug.  Last week I decided to go ahead and finally sign up for a VPN to secure all of my internet traffic.  I shopped around and finally settled on a provider that had high reviews in forums, on…

  • Back to school

    No not the kids (at least not yet).  Me, at least for the next 2 days. In 48 hours I will be an NRA certified pistol and home firearm safety instructor, assuming I can pass the test.

  • No such thing as bad press

    I hope there really is no such thing as bad press because my dad and I both made headlines yesterday. My dad made it into the local paper.  And I made it into…Maxim. This is a follow up to my far to brief (fractions of a second around the 36 or 37 second mark) of…