Day 37 – Zero at Damascus / Trail Days

Last night was a little rough but some Bonnaroo experience got me through it šŸ˜. The drum circle continued until about midnight and then the after party startedā€¦right next to our tents. It involved some free party favors and long conversations about totally inane topics a few downpours and other noise Iā€™m likely forgetting, all heard through my ear plugs.

I slept from about 10-12 and then again from 2-7. Katie didnā€™t fair so well with about 2 hours of sleep total. We met up at the entrance to tent city (sheā€™d been doing laps around the lot and meeting folks) and headed to the all you can eat pancake youth group fundraiser breakfast at the church across the way from the tent city.

We each had our fill and then made the walk to the vendor city. I stopped at gear repair at got my fanny pack stitched up then hit up the Six Moon Designs tent for a trekking umbrella and hyperlite for a replacement ditty bag (the one I had is delaminating).

We went on to town for lunch at the diner. We ran into Bearspray and Slim there and were able to jump the line since they had two spots open at their table. They were staying with a friend outside of town who was trying to get a hostel going as sort of beta testers. I bought their lunch as trail magic for letting us get in earlier.

Then it was on to the outfitters for a few things Katie needed (pack liner, dry bag) then back to camp to drop stuff off. Then we walked to the other end of town to line up for the parade. We walked end to end and it was a total blast! The town folks sprayed us with water guns (it had stopped raining just before the parade but we were all still pretty wet) and there were chants and cheers and general merriment.

Then it was back to the tent city for some day drinking šŸ». The sun came out and everything got dryā€¦for about 10 minutes. As we started to head out for dinner after 6 it started to rain again and continued to rain pretty much all the way to the furthest restaurant from the tent city, Wicked Chicken. It was worth the walk – super good and really great service (although it was odd that our waitress commented she thought we were so nice since we were sitting right by the PBR cooler and didnā€™t take any on our own without paying šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø).

We walked back to the music stage and watched the last half of the Gents and Liars sbow then made our way back to tent city. When I realized Iā€™d left my new flask back at where rhe band was performing. So we trekked back (it was still there!) and then home again. All told it was 11:30 before we put in. And according to apple health, I walked a little under 13 miles yesterday. So much for a zero!

Tomorrow weā€™re getting a shuttle to a bit further back than I got off (shuttle driver wonā€™t drive on the McQueen gap road where I got picked up) and then doing some miles.






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